How Long We Have Been A Family!

Count Down To Nate's 4th Birthday!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 20, 2010

Vacation Part 4 - Papa Goodell and Jim

We were able to spend some time with Papa Goodell (my dad) and Jim. Nathaniel was so excited to see them and spent much of his time saying their names just to get their attention and asking to go to their house!

Meeting Papa Goodell at Ivars for lunch in Seattle. Nate ran up to him and gives him and hug and says "I'm Nathaniel!"

Nate's mask from lunch. I thought it was pretty cute!

Papa and Jim gave him a dinosaur. When you hug it or squeeze it's stomach it roars. Nate loves it!

Nate's favorite place to sit at Red Robin was right in between Papa and Jim! :-) While we were waiting for our meal, someone dressed up as the Red Robin came around to visit with kids. Nate is terrified of characters dressed up like that. Luckily the person got the picture and went out of sight.
Nathaniel was telling Papa a very important story. He was very passionate about what he was saying!

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